
Default Headline and Sub-Head Typefaces

The recommended default headline typeface options are Helvetica Rounded – Black, Black Italic, Bold and Bold Italic.

Helvetica Rounded Black WEB

Helvetica Rounded Black
Weight: 700
Style: normal

Helvetica Rounded Black Italic WEB

Helvetica Rounded Black Italic
Weight: 700
Style: italic

Helvetica Rounded Bold WEB

Helvetica Rounded Bold
Weight: 500
Style: normal

Helvetica Rounded Bold Italic WEB

Helvetica Rounded Bold Italic
Weight: 500
Style: italic

Optional Headline and Sub-Head typefaces

Optional headline and sub-head typefaces are Arial Black, Arial Bold and Arial Bold Italic.

Arial Black WEB

Arial Black
Weight: 700
Style: normal

Arial Bold WEB

Arial Bold
Weight: 500
Style: normal

Arial Bold Italic WEB

Arial Bold Italic
Weight: 500
Style: italic

Default Body Copy Typefaces

The recommended default body copy typeface is the Arial typeface family – Regular, Italic, Bold, and Bold Italic.

Arial Regular WEB

Arial Regular
Weight: 300
Style: normal

Arial Italic WEB

Arial Italic
Weight: 300
Style: italic

Arial Bold WEB

Arial Bold
Weight: 500
Style: normal

Arial Bold Italic WEB

Arial Bold Italic
Weight: 500
Style: italic


Discontinue use of Cooper Black.

Do not use more than two typefaces (e.g. font families) together.

Do not use more than three fonts from a font family, such as a bold, italic and plain.

Last modified: December 3, 2018 2:58 pm